
























Our target is to improve both the physical characteristics as well as the personality traits of our cats. In our breeding all the cats are sacred, they move freely around the house and they are used to a continuous presence of people, during any moment of the day, since the very beginning of their lives. They have a sweet and sociable character, are very playful and secure also as far as the children are concerned.

aIC. Rawaki dei Toltechi - IC. Eletta d'Incanto

Black male - Available


IC. Rawaki dei Toltechi - IC. Eletta d'Incanto



IC. Rawaki dei Toltechi - IC. Eletta d'Incanto


IC. Rawaki dei Toltechi - IC. Eletta d'Incanto



IC. Rawaki dei Toltechi - IC. Eletta d'Incanto

Red Self male - Reserved



IC. Rawaki dei Toltechi - IC. Eletta d'Incanto



IC. Rawaki dei Toltechi - IC. Eletta d'Incanto


Cattery of Persian cats

Recognized by the Associazione Nazionale Felina Italiana (ANFI)

and by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe)

Annalisa Grigolo
Marghera - Venezia
Cell.: +39 349/0737420
+39 347/9812609
E-mail: locchiodira@locchiodirapersians.it